Bulletproof backpacks: Will they help keep your kids safe in wake of mass shootings?
Then Tyler used what's become the weapon of choice for mass shooters, an AR-15. This time, the lightweight Kevlar insert was no match for the assault rifle. "The issue with the AR is the energy that it creates when it impacts. So it shatters. It has a huge energy wave that follows it," said Tyler. Carpentieri .
Buying a gun in NJ? What you need to do ... and should think about
Asbury Park Press
For many enthusiasts, the AR-15 — or semiautomatic rifles built off the AR platform, as the AR-15 is banned by name in New Jersey — are ideal for target shooting, or shooting in competition. Rosenthal added that for hunters, the AR-15 is good for shooting coyotes. Among the general public, however, ..
Teachers line up for concealed-weapons class
Bloomington Pantagraph
In addition to the material Noble and a second instructor, Dean Hazen, are required to cover for the CCW class, teachers also will learn about different weapons they could encounter from an active shooter and tactics to intervene during a crisis. The operation of the AR-15, a semi-automatic rifle used in ..
Letter to the Editor: Writer is wrong, AR-15 is an assault rifle
Canton Repository
American of all political stripes are welcome to debate the meaning and intent of “A well-regulated militia,” you know, the genesis of the Second Amendment, although it is astounding how often gun advocates ignore it completely. But it is unfortunate self-proclaimed Second Amendment defenders like ..
NRA's Marion Hammer says she's getting 'scores' of threatening calls and email
Among other things, the new law raised the minimum age from 18 to 21 and imposed a three-day waiting period to purchase long guns, such as the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle that 19-year-old alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz legally purchased a year ago without any waiting period and used to mow down ...