AR-15 kits for December 20, 2016

AR-15 kits for December 20, 2016

AR-15 kits for December 20, 2016

For the first time, an AR-15-style carbine is wearing Springfield Armory's iconic insignia of crossed cannons and flaming bomb. For some, the Saint .


Right, they should wait until they are 16 or maybe 17. (sic). Road ... 9mm, AR-15 .223. at 10 it was the AR-10 (that's .308 for you antis). They loved it ..
Between April and August of 2015, Prezas admitted to the purchase of 42 rifles, including AR-15'sand AK-47's. He dispatched co-defendants Thomas ...
LOVELAND, Colo. -( Hexmag, LLC makes the most advanced and versatile AR-15platform magazine on the market – and it may ..
A man holding an AR-15. Photo: AP. The district's two schools serve about 270 students about 30 miles (50 km) southeast of Colorado Springs, and it 
“The Commander, CENTCOM review the AR 15-6 investigation and noted the efforts to properly cleanse the foreign officer's read-books. He further ..