AR-15 kits for October 10, 2016
AR-15 kits for October 10, 2016
AR-15 kits for October 10, 2016
Suspected armed gunman found to be ROTC member with rubber training rifle
Officers met with the students who reported seeing the individual and verified seeing the man with what they believed was an AR-15 rifle. Our Security
Man Convicted of Killing Cop to Be Executed This Month
Lawler had placed an AR-15 rifle next to the door when he saw the officers arrive, and he grabbed it and fired at them as they ran away, prosecutors
Man Allegedly Fires AR-15 To Scare Dogwalker He Mistook For Clown
A man accused of shooting an AR-15 into the air near a woman walking a dog allegedly did so because he mistook her for a clown. Police in ...
Come and Take It: “disintermediating the state,” one 3D-printed gun at a time
The Austin, Texas-based digital gunsmith famously demonstrated in March 2013 that it's possible to build the lower receiver of an AR-15 on a 3D
Ar -15 Fan Boys?
How many of you own Ars. We just got one recently, and they are a blast to shoot. We got the S&W M&P sport II. Were having trouble with coyotes, and