AR-15 kits for May 28, 2016

AR-15 kits for May 28, 2016

AR-15 kits for May 28, 2016


Narrator: And lest they run out of customers, they've begun targeting new ones, children, with glossy ads in industry magazines like "Junior Shooters.
One of the pistols was a Glock 357 Sig caliber that had been reported stolen from Georgia. All of the pistols were loaded. Two AR-15 Rifle magazines ..
Narrator: But target shooting in the era of the AR-15 looks, like the gun itself, less like American apple pie, and more like combat. The industry has ...
On Tuesday night's episode of Real Sports, the investigative arm of HBO's leftist sports department took exception with the AR-15 rifle. Specifically, the ...
The segment, titled “AR15: Modern Sporting Rifle,” which airs this week, takes a sharp — and perplexing — departure from the series' typical mix of ...
“My overwhelming impression is that the 1994 Clinton crime bill created this new world where everyone owns a AR-15 type rifle,” Morgan said in an 
“Our sales are definitely going to skyrocket [if Clinton is elected] along with any AR-15,” said Mike O'Dell, spokesman for AR-15 manufacturer CMMG.
found by cops: Two AR-15 rifles and a quantity of ammunition seized in the Western Division yesterday morning. —Photo: ALEXANDER BRUZUAL.
In that case, the entire steel locking mechanism securing the AR-15 was ... in the line of duty, and the policy specifies which firearms are acceptable.
Its evaluations are used to create a database called the "Strategic Subject List," which is supposed to help police battle the bloodshed in the city ...
Democrats Made AR-15 Popular: Gun Sales “Driven By The Ban Concept”
Here, with firearms like the AR-15, a huge money making opportunity has developed around the mad dash to stock up on guns and ammo before and ..
They brought nine employees with them, most of whom are still there. ... Article II Firearms, making precision parts for AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, but ...