AR-15 kits for March 06, 2016
AR-15 kits for March 06, 2016
AR-15 kits for March 06, 2016
Guns in the wrong hands: Firearm theft on the rise
In the meantime, however, there is still no word on what happened to the AR-15missing from the Orange County Police Department or the 500 guns ..
Bernie Sanders: Don't Hold Gunmakers Accountable After Mass Shootings
The shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, left 20 children and six teachers dead. The shooter unloaded 154 rounds of bullets from an AR-15, which was ...
Apparently, Hillary Clinton thinks an AR-15 is an automatic weapon [video]
While talking gun control and manufacturer liability, Hillary Clinton said the semi-automatic and fully legal “AR-15” used by Adam Lanza to murder 20 ...
Sanders: 'What You're Really Talking About Is Ending Gun Manufacturing in America. I Don't Agree ...
... that the families of children killed in Newtown, Conn., have announced they plan to sue Remington, the maker of the AR-15 used in the shooting.
Amazon's AR-15 “Condoms” Raises Some Eyebrows
Tired of your AR-15 barrel getting into something dirty without adequate protection? What about contracting STDs (stuff, trash, and debris)? Innuendos