AR-15 kits for January 30, 2016

AR-15 kits for January 30, 2016

AR-15 kits for January 30, 2016

... store manager; and Gregory Linkfield, CEO pose with their AR-15s at REV Arms on Mt. Cross Road. Recently REV Arms celebrated being open for..
John F. Kennedy, considered a founding father of the Green Berets, pushed the Army to give up the M14 for the new AR-15, which became the ..
Cops: AR-15 fire threatened
Cops: AR-15 fire threatened. Tasers, pepper spray ended Danville-area standoff, police say. By The Press Enterprise Staff. Published: February 1 ...
OBN agents' warrant obtained 16 pounds of hydroponic marijuana, a AR-15 rifle with scope and a SKS Bullpup rifle with suppress
Even for people who know little or nothing about firearms, the outline of an AR-15 is widely recognizable. More than that, it is a shape that has ...
Justin Nojan Sullivan, 19, has been jailed since June 19 for his plot to kill "as many as 1,000 people" after purchasing a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle at a ...
Genaro Pascual, 25, was accidentally shot in the leg with an AR-15 rifle while a detective wrestled with him at the South Nashville Woodbridge ...
He was carrying his own personal AR-15 in a sling in front of his body. As Pascual was being subdued, police said the AR-15 went off and the bullet .
Nobody is claiming that the "AR" in AR-15 means "assault rifle." says that an assault rifle is "a military rifle capable of both automatic ..