AR-15 kits for September 02, 2015
AR-15 kits for September 02, 2015
AR-15 kits for September 02, 2015
Brawl near Palolo McDonald's leads to arrest of 15-year-old carrying rifle
Hawaii News Now
The boy with the AR-15 was then arrested. An ambulance was called for one victim, police said, but it's not clear the extent of that person's injuries
Men Arrested for Threatening Pokemon Event Denied Bail
As part of this conversation, Stumbo supposedly said, "MY AR-15 says you lose." Other posts reportedly made by Stumbo stated that he was "on his
Wal-Mart Decision To Drop AR-15 Leaves Poor Vulnerable
Investor's Business Daily
Headlines fixated on Wal-Mart's decision to stop selling AR-15s, a gun used in Newtown and other tragedies. These guns aren't selling quite like they
Anti-terrorist assault rifle with Bible verses unveiled amid controversy in Apopka
Orlando Sentinel
The Spike's Tactical Crusader is a new version of the AR-15 assault rifle and is designed with the purpose that it will not be able to be used by Muslim
AR-15 Is Etched with Bible Verse to Keep Muslim Terrorists from Using It
Breitbart News
Gun manufacturer Spike's Tactical has introduced a new AR-15 with a Bible verse etched upon it in order to prevent Muslim terrorists from handling or
Local resident wins rifle during Republican event
Rexburg Standard Journal
An AR-15 rifle with scope and 500 rounds of ammunition was given away at the end of the event. The lucky winner was Bill Parker, a veteran and