AR-15 bolt carriers and Articles for AR-15 Rifles 01/13/2010
January 13, 2010
Good deal on some gear - Weapons Cache Forums
By bigfelipe
Good deal on .22 conversion for ARs, bigfelipe, AR15, 3, 10-21-2009 12:59 PM. Good deal on a Lower and LPK, phatdoughnut, AR15, 27, 09-13-2009 11:43 PM. Is this a good deal on a Mini 14? bigfelipe, Rifles, 15, 07-07-2009 10:59 AM ...
WTS: AR-15 stuff - Oklahoma Shooters
DPMS Pardus stock--$40 2. Mako rail bipod adapter--$20 3. OD Vertical grip with storage--$25 4. 2-Ar15 standard grips with screw--$10 for both or free if you take all items above. Attached Thumbnails ...
Oklahoma Shooters -
Magpul Sniper Rifle Chassis! - AR15.COM
Magpul Sniper Rifle Chassis! - AR15.COM. ... Good point there. Aren't most Dangerous game rifles, if they are bolt action, usually pre-64 Winchesters, IIRC ? ...
YouTube - Ruger's AR-15 rifle
We got in a Ruger AR. It's a lot better than I was expecting. I'll give it that. But I don't see this one being worth the big price increase over the S&...
Now this is a BIG Girls TOY... PINK AR-15 | TweetPhoto
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